Phase 1 of the Cloudberry Trail multi-use pathway is now open!
Our contractor, Axis Mountain Techincal, wrapped up construction on the first kilometer of the Cloudberry Trail, a planned multi-use pathway that will eventually connect the Prince Rupert Civic Centre with Galloway Rapids. With the completion of this new pathway, it provides the community and visitors with a preview of what the Cloudberry Trail, once fully built out, will look and feel like. Some thought we were building a pathway to nowhere, but we prefer to think of it as Prince Rupert's leading edge and our gateway to the rainforest.
Stay tuned for an official grand opening in the coming months, when we get to celebrate with our funding partners, Pacific Economic Development Canada and the Government of British Columbia, plus the many local supporters large and small of this meaningful community project!
Trigon Terminals Commits $75k
Kaien Trails was recently thrilled to announce that Trigon Terminals has donated $75,000 to support the construction of the first phase of the new Cloudberry Trail.
“Easy access to nature is one of the best features of North Coast life and soon it will be even better”, says Trigon CEO Rob Booker. “We commend Kaien Trails and the community of volunteers for advancing this project, and for their commitment to providing more active, and also more accessible ways of getting around on Kaien Island.”
On Sunday, June 4th, close to forty community members of all ages met at the Tall Trees parking lot to explore the proposed route of the Cloudberry Trail. Led by Sean and Steve, these intrepid trail enthusiasts walked the first kilometer or so west towards Rupert, trekking through skunk cabbage, hopping over creeks, and ending up in the beautiful muskeg meadow for which the trail is named. A smaller group continued on with Steve to the hydro line lookout back down to town, while the rest of us went back to the trailhead for hotdogs prepared by Dan.
This event was made possible by a grant from the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC!